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要約 目的:虹彩囊胞の切除後に続発緑内障を生じ,治療に難渋した1例の報告。
Abstract Purpose:To report a case of refractory glaucoma that developed after resection of iris cyst.
Case:A 55-year-old female was referred to us for iris cyst in the left eye. She had suffered from penetrating injury in her left eye at the age of 6. She had reportedly good corrected visual acuity thereafter. She had noted failing vision and visual field 2 years before.
Findings and Clinical Course:Corrected visual acuity was 0.5 in the left eye. A huge cyst was present anterior to the pupil touching the cornea. The cyst was resected and proved to be iris cyst by pathological studies. After persistent inflammation in the anterior chamber, pupil block developed with elevated intraocular pressure(IOP). Laser iridotomy and lens reconstruction failed to induce control of IOP. Trabeculectomy was effective for one month only. IOP remained elevated after implantation of Baerveldt tube. Malignant glaucoma developed 2 months later. Resection of posterior lens capsule and anterior vitreous by Nd:YAG laser induced IOP control at 10 mmHg.
Conclusion:This case illustrates that refractory glaucoma may develop following resection of iris cyst secondary to ocular trauma.

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