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要約 目的:網膜海綿状血管腫は比較的稀な疾患で,無症状に経過することが多い。今回筆者らは,硝子体出血により急激な視力低下を認め,硝子体手術を行ったところ,出血性網膜剝離がみられた網膜海綿状血管腫の症例を経験したので報告する。
Abstract Purpose:To report an unusual case of cavernous hemangioma that was detected following vitrectomy for vitreous hemorrhage and hemorrhagic retinal detachment.
Case:A 53-year-old female was referred to us for sudden visual loss in the left eye since 10 days before. She was tentatively suspected of macular hematoma as complication of age-related macular degeneration.
Findings and Clinical Course:Corrected visual acuity was 1.5 right and 0.1 left. The left eye showed mild preretinal, subretinal and vitreous hemorrhage. The left eye received vitreous surgery 2 months later due to exacerbation of vitreous hemorrhage. As intraoperative finding, the retina was totally detached with a retinal break in the superior nasal periphery. Massive hemorrhage was present in the subretinal space. After removal of intravitreal silicone oil, a mass of hemangioma, simulating cluster of grapes, was found superior to the macula. This mass was diagnosed as cavernous hemangioma of the retina.
Conclusion:This case illustrates that cavernous hemangioma of the retina may manifest as macular hematoma, vitreous hemorrhage, and hemorrhagic retinal detachment.

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