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要約 目的:血管新生緑内障(NVG)は糖尿病網膜症や網膜静脈閉塞症以外にぶどう膜炎にも続発しうるが,ぶどう膜炎には種々の病態が含まれ網膜循環障害をきたさない場合もある。網膜虚血を認めないぶどう膜炎によりNVGを呈した2症例の前房内血管内皮増殖因子(VEGF)濃度を測定し,ベバシズマブ硝子体内注射(IVB)を併用し加療した経過を報告する。
Abstract Purpose:To report the level of vascular endothelial growth factor(VEGF)in the aqueous humor and the clinical courses in two cases of neovascular glaucoma secondary to uveitis.
Cases:Both were females aged 55 and 69 years respectively. One had repeated episodes of uveitis over a period of 18 months. The left eye showed rubeosis in the iris, posterior synechia, and signs of iritis. A fluorescein angiography did not show retinal ischemia. The second case showed intraocular pressure of 58 mmHg on the initial visit. The right eye showed neovascularization in the iris and chamber angle, with multiple chorioretinal atrophic foci. A fluorescein angiography did not show retinal ischemia. Both cases were treated by medication and intravitreal bevacizumab(IVB).
Results:The initial level of VEGF in the aqueous humor was 1,220 and 1,080 pg/ml respectively. IVB was quickly led to a regression of rubeosis. There were no hemorrhagic complications during the perioperative period.
Conclusion:An elevated level of VEGF was present in the aqueous humor in 2 eyes of uveitis with rubeosis IVB quickly led to a regression of rubeosis with no hemorrhagic complications.

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