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要約 目的:開口により片眼の眼瞼下垂が生じる逆Marcus Gunn現象の1乳児の報告。
所見と経過:右眼は固視不良で,左眼を遮閉すると嫌悪反射を示した。眼瞼運動は正常で,右上眼瞼は左方視で下垂,右方視で軽快,下方視で後退した。Bell現象はなかった。以上より逆Marcus Gunn現象と診断した。左眼の終日遮閉を6日間行い,両眼とも固視良好になり,顎上げの代償頭位で見ることが多くなった。生後1歳5か月時に行ったMRIで,脳と眼窩に異常はなかった。
結論:Marcus Gunn現象が,三叉神経外側翼突筋枝と動眼神経上眼瞼拳筋枝との間の興奮性の異常連合であるのに対し,逆Marcus Cunn現象は,両者の抑制性の異常連合とされているが,単一疾患ではない可能性がある。
Abstract Purpose:To report inverse Marcus Gunn phenomenon in an infant who showed exaggerated blepharoptosis while opening the mouth.
Case:A 10-month old infant presented with blepharoptosis in the right eye. He showed exaggerated blepharoptosis while opening the mouth during suckling.
Findings and Clinical Course:The right eye showed poor fixation. Ocular motility was apparently normal. The right upper eyelid showed ptosis while looking to the left. The eyelid was retracted while looking downwards. He showed no Bell phenomenon. These findings led to the diagnosis of inverse Marcus Gunn phenomenon. After total occlusion of the left eye for 6 days, the right eye became capable of fixation followed by frequent chin-up position. Magnetic resonance imaging(MRI)showed normal findings in the brain and the orbit when performed at the age of 1 year 5 months.
Conclusion:There is a possibility that inverse Marcus Gunn phenomenon may not be a single clinical entity.

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