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開口したり下顎を左右に動かしたりすると眼瞼が挙上する運動はMarcus Gunn現象として知られている。Marcus Gunn現象は一側性先天性眼瞼下垂症に伴つて生じることが多いが1)−5),最近われわれは下垂を認めず両眼性にこの現象を持つ症例を経験したので報告し,あわせて原因について若干の文献的考察をこころみた。
A synkinesis of the jaw and the eyelid is called Marcus Gunn Phenomenon. It is usually encountered with congenital lid ptosis and unilateraly. We reported a rare form of this phenomenon without lid ptosis and seen bilateraly. It has been considered that this phenomenon is elicited by the unusual transmission of the proprioceptive sensation from pterygoid muscle tolevator palpebrae muscle. The stimulation of the pterygoid muscle in this case revealed no contraction of the levator palpebrae. According to this fact we concluded that Marcus Gunn phenomenon was made clear by not the reflex theory but the supranuclear release phenomenon of the individual control of these eye and masticatory muscles.

Copyright © 1966, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.