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要約 目的:超音波生体顕微鏡を使用し水晶体,チン小帯,毛様体皺襞部を観察した後,散瞳による変化を調査した。
Abstract Objective:After using ultrasound biomicroscopy to monitor the crystalline lens, zonule of Zinn, and pars plicata ciliaris, we examined changes due to mydriasis.
Subjects and Methods:Five individuals with normal eyes and three patients with cataracts. We clarified the contours of each tissue following image processing. We measured the anteroposterior and equatorial diameters of the crystalline lens, the straight line connecting the attachment site of the zonule of Zinn to the inferior edge of the crystalline lens and the attachment site of the pars plicata ciliaris and the angle formed by this line, and the horizontal axis leading to the ciliary ring.
Results:In all the healthy individuals, the equatorial diameter and angle both increased after mydriasis. There were no such findings in patients with cataract.
Conclusion:The results suggest that the difference in mass between crystalline lenses that are healthy and those affected by cataracts may be related to the difference found in this study.

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