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要約 目的:超音波生体顕微鏡(UBM)と前眼部光干渉計(OCT)で撮影された水晶体の形状を比較する。
Abstract Purpose:To compare the shape of crystalline lens as imaged by ultrasound biomicroscopy(UBM)and optical coherence tomography(OCT).
Cases and Method:This study was made on 20 eyes, including normal eyes, eyes with atopic cataract, and eyes with age-related cataract. The anterior eye and optic media were imaged using non-mydriatic UBM and anterior OCT along vertical and horizontal directions, 2 to 8 and 4 to 10 o'clock directions. The transparency level of UBM was set at 50% to create composite images of the lens and the anterior ocular segment. The composite images were examined as to whether the anterior and posterior surfaces of the lens coincided in both imaging modalities, and whether there was any change in the position of the cornea.
Results:The anterior and posterior surfaces of the lens coincided in UBM and OCT images. Posterior surface of the cornea coincided in some cases only. In eyes that failed to coincide, the central cornea was located by a mean of 0.24 ram superior to the UBM than OCT images.
Conclusion:UBM and OCT images showed similar accuracy regarding the shape of the lens. Some cases showed varying position of the posterior corneal surface in two imaging modalities depending on different angle of observation.

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