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要約 目的:高血圧治療薬の服用後に,急性近視と狭隅角が生じた症例の報告。
所見と経過:視力は右0.15(1.2×−2.25D()cyl−0.5D 80°),左0.15(1.2×−2.75D()cyl−0.75D 110°)であり,水晶体の前方移動と虹彩前攣による狭隅角があった。前房深度は右1.977mm,左1.946mmであった。超音波生体顕微鏡(UBM)で毛様体上腔に液貯留があった。インダパミドの内服を中止し,3日後に視力は右1.0(1.2×−0.5D),左1.0(1.2×−0.5D()cyl−0.5D 115°)になり,近視と遠見視力が改善した。内服中止から2週間後の前房深度は,右2.490mm,左2.470mmであり,UBMによる検査で毛様体上腔の液貯留は消失していた。
Abstract Purpose:To report a case who developed acute myopia with shallow anterior chamber following peroral intake of indapamide for systemic hypertension.
Case:A 46-year-old male presented with impaired vision in both eyes since 2 days before. He reported that he had ingested 1 mg indapamide as treatment of systemic hypertension. He noticed blurring the same evening.
Findings and Clinical Course:His far visual acuity was 0.15(1.2×−2.25D()cyl−0.5D 80°)in the right eye, and 0.15(1.2×−2.75D()cyl−0.75D 110°)in the left. Both eyes showed shallow anterior chamber due to anterior displacement of the lens. The depth of anterior chamber was 1.977 mm in the right eye and 1.946 mm in the left. Ultrasound biomicroscope(UBM)showed accumulation of fluid in the supraciliary space. He was advised to discontinue intake of indapamide. Three days later, his visual acuity improved to 1.0(1.2×−0.5D)in the right eye, and 1.0(1.2×−0.5D()cyl−0.5D 115°)in the left. Depth of anterior chamber was 2.490 mm in the right eye and 2.470 mm in the left. UBM showed no accumulation of fluid in the supraciliary space.
Conclusion:This case shows that acute myopia and shallow anterior chamber may be induced by peroal indapamide which is a nonthiazide diuretic antihypertensive drug.

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