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要約 目的:血管新生緑内障に対する,硝子体手術を併用したバルベルト®緑内障インプラント手術の治療成績の報告。
Abstract Purpose: To report the outcome of treatment with Baerveldt®implant for neovascular glaucoma.
Cases and Method: This retrospective study was made on 10 eyes of 9 patients who were treated by Baervelt®implant and pars plana vitrectomy for neovascular glaucoma in the past 16 months. The casescomprised 6 male and 4 female eyes. The age averaged 59.2 years. Glaucoma was secondary to diabetic retinopathy 5 eyes, ocular ischaemic syndrome 4 eyes and central retinal vein occlusion one eye. All the eyes had closed chamber angle and elevated intraocular pressure(IOP).Panretinal photocoagulation had been performed before surgery. Cases were evaluated regarding IOP, number of medication, visual acuity and complications before and after surgery.
Results: IOP averaged 42.3±15.8 mmHg before and 16.4±6.1 mmHg one months after surgery. IOP was significantly controlled up to 12 months after surgery. Medication score averaged 4.2±1.1 before surgery and 1.1±1.5 one months after surgery. It remained significantly lower up to 12 months after surgery. There was no change in visual acuity before and after surgery. There was no notable complications during or after surgery.
Conclusion: Treatment with Baerveldt®implant was safe and effective for neovascular glaucoma.

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