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要約 目的:Acremonium属真菌による硝子体手術後に発症した眼内炎の報告。
Abstract Purpose:To report a protracted case of late-onset endophthalmitis due to Acremonium spp. following vitreous surgery.
Case:A 75-year-old female was referred to us for presumed endophthalmitis. She had received simultaneous vitreous and cataract surgery for epiretinal membrane 3 weeks before.
Findings:Corrected visual acuity was 0.7 right and 1.2 left. The right eye showed cellular floaters in the aqueous, leading to the diagnosis of late-onset postoperative endophthalmitis. The anterior chamber became clear after irrigation and antibiotics. Endophthalmitis recurred one month later and persisted after repeated irrigation of medication. Culture of aqueous or vitreous was consistently negative for viral, bacterial, or fungal pathogens. A white nodule appeared at the pupillary margin 27 weeks later. It proved to be Acremonium spp. by culture. Topical and systemic voriconacole induced cure of endophthalmitis.
Conclusion:The present case of Acremonium endophthalmitis was characterized by late onset and slow progression.

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