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要約 目的:新潟大学病院で過去7年間に加療した急性網膜壊死(ARN)の報告。対象と方法:2013年までの7年間に当院を受診したARNの12例12眼を検索し,その治療成績を解析した。男性7例,女性5例で,年齢は25〜76歳,平均53歳であった。結果:全例が片眼発症であった。初診時に採取した前房水から,単純ヘルペスウイルスが3眼,水痘・帯状疱疹ウイルスが9眼で陽性であった。経過中に網膜剝離が7眼に発症し,5眼には発症しなかった。網膜剝離の有無は,ARN発症から受診までの日数とは相関がなかった。網膜剝離の原因は,2眼では増殖膜により牽引,5眼では裂孔原性であった。初診時に硝子体混濁が7眼にあり,うち6眼に網膜剝離が生じた。網膜剝離の全例に対して硝子体手術を行い,シリコーンオイル充塡などを併用した。全7眼で網膜が復位した。結論:当院でのARNはすべて片眼性であった。経過中の網膜剝離発症は,初診時に硝子体混濁のある例に多かった。
Abstract. Purpose:To present a review of acute retinal necrosis at Niigata University Hospital. Cases and Method:This review was made on 12 eyes of 12 cases who were diagnosed with acute retinal necrosis during 7 years through 2013. The series comprised 7 males and 5 females. The age ranged from 25 to 76 years, average 53 years. Results:All the cases were unilaterally affected. Aspirated aqueous humor was positive for herpes simplex virus in 3 cases and varicella zoster virus in 8 cases. Retinal detachment eventually developed in 7 eyes and not in 5 eyes. Retinal detachment was not correlated with the duration between onset and start of treatment. Retinal detachment was due to proliferative membrane in 2 eyes and was rhegmatogenous in 5 eyes. Vitreous opacity was present in 7 eyes, of which retinal detachment developed in 6 eyes. All the eyes with retinal detachment was treated by vitreous surgery, with additional replacement of vitreous by silicone oil whenever necessary. The retina became reattached in all the 7 eyes. Conclusion:Acute retinal necrosis was unilateral in our series. Retinal detachment was prone to develop in eyes with vitreous opacity.

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