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要約 目的:網膜色素線条がある同胞3名の両眼に生じた脈絡膜新生血管(CNV)の経過の報告。症例:症例は59歳女性,55歳男性,63歳女性で,3名は同胞である。母は生前に弾性線維性仮性黄色腫(PXE)と診断されていた。所見:症例1にはPXEと,両眼に網膜色素線条とCNVがあった。11年間の経過観察中に,右眼に光線力学的療法を行い,左眼のCNVは瘢痕化した。最終視力は0.3と0.07である。症例2では5年間の期間中に左眼のCNVが自然に瘢痕化した。右眼には出血を伴うCNVが発症し,5回のベバシズマブ硝子体注射を行った。最終視力は0.4と0.3である。症例3では4年間の期間中に,右眼のCNVに対し2回のベバシズマブ硝子体注射を行い,左眼のCNVにラニビズマブ硝子体注射を行った。最終視力は0.04と0.4である。結論:網膜色素線条がある同胞3名の両眼にCNVが生じ,抗VEGF薬の硝子体注射などで瘢痕化した。
Abstract. Purpose:To report three siblings who showed angioid streaks with choroidal neovascularization(CNV)in both eyes. Cases:The cases comprised a 59-year-old female, 55-year-old male, and 63-year-old female when seen initially. The three cases were siblings. Their mother had reportedly been diagnosed with pseudoxanthoma elasticum(PXE). Findings:Case 1 had PXE and angioid streaks with CNV in both eyes. The right eye received photodynamic therapy. CNV in the left eye became scar tissue during the follow-up of 11 years. Case 2 had PXE and angioid streaks with CNV in both eyes. The right eye received 5 sessions of intravitreal bevacizumab. Case 3 received intravitreal bevacizumab in the right eye and ranibizumab in the left. Conclusion:CNV developed in both eyes of 3 siblings with angioid streaks. The lesion became scar tissue either spontaneously or after intravitreal injection of anti-VEGF agents.

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