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Palliative radiotherapy was effective in a case of sebaceous carcinoma of presumed lacrimal gland origin Akiko Mino 1 , Kayo Shinomiya 1 , Takashi Kawanaka 2 , Mika Sakaki 3 , Sho Yoshimoto 4 , Kaya Sakamoto 5 , Tomoko Arase 6 , Yoshinori Mitamura 1 1Dept of Ophthalmol, Inst of Health Biosci, The Univ of Tokushima Grad Sch 2Dept of Radiol, Inst of Health Biosci, The Univ of Tokushima Grad Sch 3Pathol Dept, Tokushima Univ Hosp 4Dept of Plastic Surg, Inst of Health Biosci, The Univ of Tokushima Grad Sch 5Nursing Dept, Tokushima Univ Hosp 6Dept of Palliative Care, Kondo Hosp pp.397-402
Published Date 2015/3/15
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1410211269
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Abstract. Purpose:To report the effect of palliative radiotherapy in a case of advanced sebaceous carcinoma presumably originating from the lacrimal gland. Case:A 37-year-old male presented with proptosis of the right eye since 6 months before associated with pain. Corrected visual acuity was 1.2 right and visual acuity was 1.5(n.c.)left. Computed tomography showed right orbital tumor with bone destruction. Positron emitting tomography-computed tomography showed metastasis to the lymph glands and multiple osseous metastases. The patient elected palliative therapy only. The pain increased 4 months later, necessitating radiotherapy totaling 39 Gy. The orbital lesion decreased together with improved cosmetic outlook and decreased pain. The effect lasted until the patient died of pancytopenia 8 months after his first visit. Conclusion:Palliative radiotherapy was effective for advanced carcinoma of sebaceous gland and improved quality of life.

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電子版ISSN 1882-1308 印刷版ISSN 0370-5579 医学書院


