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要約 目的:緩和的放射線治療が奏効した涙腺原発と推定される脂腺癌の1症例の報告。症例:37歳男性が,6か月前からの右眼球突出と最近の疼痛で受診した。視力は右(1.2),左1.5(矯正不能)で,CTで,骨破壊を伴う右眼窩腫瘍があり,生検で脂腺癌と診断し,涙腺原発であると推定された。陽電子放出断層撮影(PET-CT)は,所属リンパ節への転移と多発性骨転移を示した。患者は対症療法のみを希望したが,4か月後に疼痛管理が困難になり,右眼窩にX線照射39Gyを行った。眼窩病巣は縮小し,整容的な改善と疼痛の軽減が得られた。初診の8か月後に汎血球減少で死亡するまで効果が続いた。結論:涙腺原発と推定される進行した脂腺癌に対し,緩和的放射線治療が奏効し,生活の質が改善した。
Abstract. Purpose:To report the effect of palliative radiotherapy in a case of advanced sebaceous carcinoma presumably originating from the lacrimal gland. Case:A 37-year-old male presented with proptosis of the right eye since 6 months before associated with pain. Corrected visual acuity was 1.2 right and visual acuity was 1.5(n.c.)left. Computed tomography showed right orbital tumor with bone destruction. Positron emitting tomography-computed tomography showed metastasis to the lymph glands and multiple osseous metastases. The patient elected palliative therapy only. The pain increased 4 months later, necessitating radiotherapy totaling 39 Gy. The orbital lesion decreased together with improved cosmetic outlook and decreased pain. The effect lasted until the patient died of pancytopenia 8 months after his first visit. Conclusion:Palliative radiotherapy was effective for advanced carcinoma of sebaceous gland and improved quality of life.
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