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緒 言
Adenoid cystic carcinoma (以下ACCと略)は上皮性涙腺腫瘍の中ではpleomorphic adenomaについで多いとされるが,実際には稀なものであり,本邦でも数例の報告1〜4)をみるがそれらは1例報告であり,長期観察例はない。また唾液腺等由来のものでは既に電顕的観察5〜10)も多くなされているが涙腺では知る限りでは田中ら4)のものをみるに過ぎない。当科において過去約10年間に4例の涙腺原発のACCを経験し,1例では電顕的観察および若干の組織化学的検索を行つたのでこれらについて報告する。
Four cases of adenoid cystic carcinoma of thelacrimal gland were studied clinically and histo-logically. A histochemical and electron microsco-pic study was also made in one of the cases. Two cases died of metastasis 2 and 10 years res-pectively after the initial operation. Two patients are doing well after surgery without signs of metastasis or recurrence. Three cases showed histological findings of typical adenoid cystic carcinoma, while one case with the most unfa-vorable showed poorly differentiated adenoid cystic carcinoma.

Copyright © 1979, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.