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我々は約5年間に一眼科診療所における91例の結膜炎患者の結膜擦過物をHeLa細胞に接種,分離培養できた70例,Micro Trakによって抗原を検出できた46例の臨床像を総括した。
Clinical manifestations of sexually transimitted eye infection by chlamydia trachomatis are deffer-ent from those of classical trachomatous lesions. I evaluated the clinical features of 91 patients with chlamydial conjunctivitis seen during the foregoing 5-year period. The diagnosis was confirmed either by isolation of chlamydia agents in HeLa cell culture or antigen detection by Micro Trak tech-nique. The series included 32 newborn infants and59 adults.
Chlamydial conjunctivitis developed as primary infection in newborn infants and as secondary infec-tion in sexually active adults. The adult type con-junctivitis was generally unilateral at its onset. It seemed to occur secondary to urogenital infection. The newborn type conjunctivitis was characterized by formation of pseudomembrane and generally became manifest on 6th to 10th day postpartum.

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