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症例1と2において,網膜剥離に一致して白内障術後の後嚢と毛様体突起の癒着を認めた。症例1において,硝子体手術中に明瞭な硝子体線維を認めた。このような網膜剥離の手術には,硝子体切除術と,後嚢切除術との併用が必要な症例があると考えた。アトピー性白内障の手術には,超音波乳化吸引術や嚢外摘出に,後嚢切除術と前部硝子体切除術との併用あるいは pars plana len‐sectomyが望ましいと考えた。
We observed retinal detachment in 4 eyes, 3 cases, with atopic cataract. The cases were aged 16, 19 and 20 years each. In one case, retinal detach-ment was detected prior to cataract surgery. We performed retinal detachment surgery after surgery for cataract. In another case, retinal detachment was found in both eyes after surgery for cataract.
The posterior lens capsule was retained in all the eyes. We performed citrectomy, scleral encircling, cryoretinopexy and posterior capsulectomy. In 3 eyes, 2 cases, the ciliary process was adherent to the posterior lens capsule. These eyes seemed to neces-sitate vitrectomy and posterior capsulectomy to relieve retinal detachment.
Because of inherent risk of retinal detachment, we advocate phacoemulsification or extracapsular cataract extraction with posterior capsulectomy and anterior vitrectomy for atopic cataract. Pars plana lensectomy is another alternative.

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