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多彩な眼合併症を有する7歳男児のKniest dysplasiaの1例を報告した.
Kniest dysplasiaはまれな骨系統疾患であるが,視機能を障害しうる多彩な眼合併症を伴うので,できる限り早期から眼科的精査を行い,より良い視機能の獲得と保持に努める必要がある.
A 7-year-old male child manifested clinical signs of Kniest dysplasia including various ocular compli-cations. Systemically, we observed shorter-than -normal body height, peculiar physiognomy, kyphosis, swelling and stiffness of joints of the elbow, knee and foot, cleft palate, hypacusia and otitis media. Ophthalmologically, the crystalline lens was dislocated inferiorly in both eyes. Lens opacity was present towards the inferior equatorand in the posterior subcortical region in both eyes. The ocular axis was abnormally elongated at 29 mm bilaterally. We performed lens extraction in his left eye. The final visual acuity was 0.3 in either eye.
While Kniest dysplasia is an uncommon type of chondrodysplasia, ophthalmological follow up from an early age is imperative because of frequent ocular complications that may interfere with visual acuity.
Rinsho Ganka (Jpn J Clin Ophthalmol) 42(12) : 1387-1391, 1988

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