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眼科的所見としては,右眼は牛眼の状態であり,右眼の上眼瞼腫瘍,両眼の角結膜腫瘍,角膜混濁,角膜新生血管を認めた。また左眼眼底には4ヵ所に隆起性病変がみられ,眼窩CTでは眼球後方に高吸収域の腫瘤様陰影がみられた。病理組織学的には角結膜腫瘍はepibulbar complex choris—tomasであった。
先天性緑内障を合併した原因としては,本症候群は外胚葉系の異常を主体としており,先天性緑内障の発生が外胚葉系のneural crestの異常によることに関連しているのではないかと考えた。
A female baby was diagnosed as epidermal nevus syndrome due to sebaceous nevus, tumor in the right eyelid and bilateral corneoconjunctival tumors at birth. When she was first seen by us when4 months old, she also manifested advanced congen-ital glaucoma in the right eye with the corneal diameter measuring 15 mm. We observed 4 whitish to yellowish prominent lesions in the left fundus. Computed tomography showed tumor-like mass in the orbit bilaterally. The corneoconjunctival tumor proved to be epibulbar complex choriostomas.
The epidermal nevus syndrome is considered to be basically due to abnormal ectodermal tissues. The assiated occurrence of congenital glaucoma may suggest a possible involvement of neural crest in the present case.

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