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VDT (Visual Display Terminal)作業による眼の調節機能低下に及ぼす鍼刺激の影響について検討した.
30歳台の男女7名にパーソナル・コンピューターを使用して漢字探索のVDT作業を1時間行わせた.定量的な指標としてaccommodo poly-recorderを用いて,調節緊張時間,調節弛緩時間および調節近点距離を測定した.
We evaluated the effects of acupuncture on the reduced accommodation due to sustained work with video display terminal (VDT). Seven healthy volunteers, 6 males and 1 female, served as test subjects. Their ages ranged from 31 to 38 years, average 34.7±2.3 years.
The subjects were asked to search specified Chinese characters on a VDT screen of a personal computer for one hour. We measured the tension time, relaxation time and the near point of accom-modation using an accommodo-polyrecorder.These three parameters were determined before work with VDT, immediately after work, 30 min-utes of rest after work, and 60 minutes of rest after work.
One group of the subjects were treated with 15 minutes of low-frequency electrical acupuncture immediately after work. This treatment involved stimulation of bilateral Taiyand and Zanzhu mer-idican points.
We observed that work with VDT induced reduced accommodation : delayed tension time, delayed relaxation time and prolonged near point of accommodation. These findings showed improvements and earlier recovery after the acu-puncture treatment.
Rinsho Ganka (Jpn J Clin Ophthalmol) 42(6) : 712-716, 1988

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