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弱視眼におけるrelative afferent pupil-lary defect (RAPD)の成因と弱視の種類による差異を検討する目的で,4歳から20歳までの斜視弱視20名と不同視弱視24名についてswingingflashlight testによるRAPDの定量を行い,その程度と種々の視機能との関係を検討した.また,網膜神経節細胞とその軸索密度に関係するとされる黄斑輪(annular reflex)の大きさに着目し,その左右眼における比較を行いRAPDの有無との関係を調べた.
We attempted to determined the frequency of relative afferent pupillary defect (RAPD) as mea-sured by the swinging flashlight test in strabismic and anisometropic amblyopes. We tried to eluci-date the relationship between RAPD and other standard indicators of visual function.
Mild RAPD of less than 0.6 log unit was detected in 8 out of 24 anisometropic and in 1 out of 20 strabismic amblyopes. There was thus a high fre-quency of RAPD in anisometropic amblyopia. There was no correlation among RAPD, visual acuity and refraction. We observed a close relation-ship between RAPD on the one hand and the depth or the volume of central visual field and the foveal threshold on the other. The size of annular reflex of the maculawas significantly smaller in amblyopic eyes with RAPD than in normal eyes.
The present findings show that the RAPD in etiologically related with functional and/or physio-logical disturbances at the retinal level, particular-ly in anisometropic amblyopia.
Rinsho Ganka (Jpn J Clin Ophthalmol) 42(6) : 643-647, 1988

Copyright © 1988, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.