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症例 は39歳,女性で,ステロイドの投与により全身状態は極めて良好にコントロールされていたにもかかわらず,網膜動静脈は徐々に閉塞し,広範な無血管野と新生血管の発生を見た.そこで,汎網膜光凝固術を行ったところ新生血管は退縮し,求心性視野狭窄が認められたものの中心視力は良好に保たれた.
A 39-year-old woman developed clinical signs of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) 5 years before and was in a well-controlled state with systemic corticosteroids in the past 3 years. There was grad-ual deterioration of retinal vascular lesions leading to enlargement of capillary nonperfusion and development of seafan-like neovascularization in the left eye.
We applied panretinal argon laser photocoagula-tion to the left eye. Regression of neovasculariza-tion soon followed the procedure.
We advocate regular follow-up of patients with SLE retinopathy and early treatment with laser prior to progression of proliferative retinovitreal lesions.
Rinsho Ganka (Jpn J Clin Ophthalmol) 42(4) : 327-331, 1988

Copyright © 1988, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.