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ソフトコンタクトレンズ装用眼に発症した緑膿菌性角膜潰瘍の2症例に,新しいアミノグリコシド剤であるHabekacin (HBK)を0.5%水溶液の1時間毎頻回点眼,ならびに1回75mg 1日2回筋注して,いずれも著効がみとめられた.眼局所および全身投与による副作用はみられなかった.HBKは緑膿菌性眼感染症に対して有用性の高い抗生剤であると考えられた.
We successfully treated two patients with cor-neal ulcer induced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Both cases were males, aged 19 and 28 years. They were habitual users of soft contact lens. Cornealulcer developed unilaterally with severe ocular pain and conjunctival injection as complaints. The ulcer was located paracentrally in the cornea. One case showed hypopyon.
Smears and cultures of specimen from the ulcer revealed Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Both cases were treated with Habekacin (HBK) : instillation of 0.5% HBK solution every hour and intramuscular injection of 75 mg of HBK twice daily. The treat-ment induced prompt alleviation of signs and symp-toms.The corneal ulcer healed in both cases. Theisolated Pseudomonas strain shoved MIC value of 1.5 ,ug/m1 and 3.13 fig/m1 for HBK. HBK is one of new derivatives of Dibekacin (DKB). It is not inactivated by enzymes that inactivate traditional aminoglycosides. Even gentamicin-resistant bacteria are sensitive to HBK. While aminoglycoside has been advocated as the first choice of antibiotics for Pseudomonas eyeinfection, our present cases illustrate the value of HBK in such instances.
Rinsho Ganka (Jpn J Clin Ophthalmol) 41(9) : 1109-1112, 1987

Copyright © 1987, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.