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緑膿菌Pseudomonas aeruginosaによる角膜潰瘍は,激烈なる病状と,重篤なる予後により,古くから眼科医の注目を集めていた。しかしその発生頻度は,肺炎球菌,ブドー球菌等による角膜感染症に比しはるかに少なく,比較的稀な疾患に属していた。
The authers presented four cases of Pseu-domonas corneal ulcers. As a result of the sensitivity test against the strains from these cases, it was found that Colimycin was most sensitive and that Streptomycin, Kanamycin and Dextromycin were effective to a mode-rate degree.
Although the ulcers heald before long with topical and systemic Colimycin or Polymyxin-B, severe visual disturbances remained in all cases but one, in which the treatment was started in the early stage of infection.
Therefore, the authers felt the necessity of starting treatment early in the management of Pseudomonas corneal ulcers.

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