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眼球保存液に添加する抗生剤は固定したものではなく,耐性菌の推移に応じて決定すべきものと考える.現在米国の多くのアイバンクでは眼球保存液にGentamicin (GM)が添加されており,わが国では眼球保存液・II (EP-II・科研)の添付文書にはPenicillin G (PCG),Streptomicin(SM)を添加するよう記載されている.我々は1984年5月より1986年4月までの2年間に提供を受けた角膜移植提供眼204眼について保存液,強角膜片からの細菌培養を行い,次の結果を得た.
(2)国内提供眼28眼は主として強角膜片として,Mezlocillin (MZPC)を添加した保存液に保存されていたが約18%に細菌汚染がみられた.
(4)総検出菌株数は492株でうち44株が真菌であった.内訳はCoagulase (-)ぶどう球菌が17.5%,ぶどう糖非醗酵グラム陰性桿菌が34.6%を占めた.
(5)薬剤感受性検査の結果はPCG,SM,MZPCは不良で,Amikacin (AMK),GM,Minocycline(MINO)の成績がよかった.GMは米国の大多数のアイバンクで添加されている100μg/ml前後の濃度を考慮すると大多数の検出菌に対して感受性があり,現時点では眼球保存液に添加するのに適当な抗生剤と考えられた。
We evaluated a series of 204 eyes donated for keratoplasty for possible bacterial contamination over the foregoing 2-year period. The series includ-ed 156 eyes from Sri Lanka, 28 from inside Japan and 20 from U. S. A.
The donor eyes from Sri Lanka were preserved as whole eyeballs in a solution free of antibiotics. Bacterial contamination was found in 70%. Eyes from inside Japan were mainly preserved as cor-neoscleral buttons in a solution with 5 mg/ml of mezlocillin. Bacterial contamination was found in 20%. Eyes from U. S. A. were preserved in M-K medium supplemented with 80 μg/ml gentamicin. None showed a positive culture.
A total of 492 different genera of bacteria were isolated, of which 44 were fungi. Major contaminants were coagulase-negative sta-phylococci (17.5%) and non-fermentative gram-negative rods (34.6%).
Ocular storage solution which is standard in Japan, indicates the addition of penicillin G and streptomycin to the solution to suppress bacterial growth. Our present tests show that the majority of organisms found in the culture are resistant to both the antibiotics and to mezlocillin. Gentamicin was found to be effective for a wide range of organisms found in the present study. We recommend gentamicin as the choice antibiotics as an additive to preserving solution of eye for keratoplasty.
Rinsho Ganka (Jpn J Clin Ophthalmol) 41(6) : 634-639, 1987

Copyright © 1987, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.