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8眼の輪部デルモイドに対して周辺部表層角膜移植術を施行し,術後2〜4.6年の経過観察を行った.その結果,デルモイドの再発は1眼も認められなかった.移植片は8眼中6眼で完全に透明治癒を示した.透明治癒しなかった2眼の内訳は,1眼は拒絶反応による移植片実質混濁を生じ,他の1眼は強膜側の移植片融解を示し,再移植した.移植片への血管侵入が検討できた7眼については,全例でgraftの表層結膜側に血管侵入を認めた.Graftの表層角膜側およびgraft実質内への血管侵入は,移植片混濁を示した1眼にのみ認めた.Graft bed (graftとhost深層実質の間)には7眼中5眼に明らかな血管侵入(ghostvesselを含む)を認めた.この結果より,周辺部に置かれた移植片組織は高率に透明性を維持し,存続できるものと考えられた.またgraftは角膜内への血管侵入を抑制していると考えられた.
We treated 8 eyes with limbal dermoid by peripheral lamellar keratoplasty using a lamellar corneal button, 6 to 10 mm in diameter, as graft. There was no recurrence of dermoid or formation of pseudopterygium during the postoperative follow-up for 2 to 4.6 years. The trans-planted graft retained its transparency in 6 eyes. In the remaining 2 eyes, cloudy graft resulted either from immunological reaction or graft melting of unknown nature. Marked vessel ingrowth into the graft was seen in only 1 of 7 cases examined. In 5 of 7 eyes, vessels were located in the graft bed, or host-graft interface.
These findings suggest that the lamellar corneal grafts on the sclera tend to retain their transparency and to resist vessel ingrowth.
Rinsho Ganka (Jpn J Clin Ophthalmol) 41(1) : 69-72, 1987

Copyright © 1987, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.