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眼科領域のヘルペスウイルス感染症に対してacyclovir (ACV)を使用し,見るべき副作用もなく良好な結果を得た.
18例のヘルペス性角膜炎にACVの局所投与を行った結果,潰瘍の平均治癒期間が6.6日であり,iodoxyuridine (IDU)を使用した9例の平均12.2日に比し著しく短かった.
We treated 18 patients with herpes simplex keratitis with topical acyclovir. The corneal ulcer healed after an average of 6.6 days. In a control series of 9 patients treated by topical iodoxuridine, it took an average of 12.2 days for the corneal ulcer to heal.
A 32-year-old male with acute retinal necrosis in his left eye was treated with intravenous acyclovir, vitrectomy, intravitreal infusion of acyclovir and pro-phylactic scleral buckling procedures. The postoper-ative course was uneventful, with visual acuity of 0.4 8 months later.

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