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We performed campimetry in 10 cases with typical primary pigmentary retinal dystrophy under simultane-ous observation of the fundus with the use of fundus photoperimeter. The campimetric records were mat-ched against fluorescein angiogram by superimposing to evaluate the correlation between retinal sensitivity and fluorescein findings.
The retinal sensitivity was closely associated with thedensity of granular hyperfluorescence in the fluorescein angiogram resulting from atrophy of the retinal pig-ment epithelium. High-density granular hyperfluore-scent areas failed to recognize the bright test target (1000 asb). Retinal areas sensitive to 100 asb target lacked granular hyperfluorescence. Those sensitive to 1000 asb alone manifested low-density granular hyper-fluorescence. The isopter for 10 asb target was gene-rally smaller than retinal areas with no abnormalities on fluorescein angiogram.
Rinsho Ganka (Jpn J Clin Ophthalmol) 40(8) : 877-881, 1986

Copyright © 1986, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.