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We evaluated a series of 478 color-defective subjects with the use of Ishihara Plates, Tokyo Medical College Plates (TMC), Standard Pseudoisochromatic Plates (SPP) and Ishihara-Ohkuma plates. We also used the anomaloscope, Panel D-15 and Ichikawa's Lantern to determine the type and grade of the defective color vision.
As an overall evaluation, the SPP plates gave the best results as to the typing determined by the anomalo-scope. The Ishihara-Ohkuma plates gave the second best results.
Regarding the grade diagnosis, TMC plates resulted in diagnosing numerous color-defective subjects in the strong range. Ishihara-Ohkuma plates assigned protans to the weaker category than deutans.
Among a larger series of 657 subjects who were diagnosed as color-defective by Ishihara-School Plates, 179 were consequently judged as normal by examina-tion with the anomaloscope. These false positive.cases consisted _of 105 out of 568 males and 74 out of 89 females: It appeared that a lot of genetic carriers of color vision deficiency were included among these apparently color normals, as the rate of females in the latter group was overwhelming.
These color normals tend to misread the pseudoiso-chromatic plates, but usually pass the Panel D-15 test and the Lantern test. It would be useful, therefore, to use these tests together with the pseudoisochromatic plates in order to avoid false positive diagnosis in such subjects.
Rinsho Ganka (Jpn J Clin Ophthalmol) 40(5) : 541-546. 198

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