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Farnsworth dichotomous test (PD−15)を先天赤緑異常に視神経疾患を合併した5例に施行した。うち3例で白色背景野における中心部の分光感度を測定した。この3例で,全波長領域にわたり感度低下があり,特に短波長領域すなわち青錐体系の反応は著明に低下していた。
We evaluated the characteristics of panel D-15test in 5 cases with congnital red-green colordefects and with optic neuropathies. In 3 cases, wemeasured the spectral sensitivities of central visualfield of 1 degree on a white background.
The spectral sensitivities on a white backgroundshowed a reduction in sensitivity for all wavelengthin all the cases. The reduction was more pro-nounced in the short wavelength range. The panelD-15 test, on the other hand, showed typical patternfor red-green defects in 4 cases and no error in 1.No instance showed blue-yellow confusion, sugges-ting that the reduction in sensitivity of blue conescould not be detected by panel D-15 test.
The findings suggested that panel D-15 test hasan inherent limitation for classification of acquiredcolor vision defects in optic neuropathies whenassociated with congenital color vision defects.Also, panel D-15 test alone was not a satisfactorymeans in the classification of acquired color visiondefects.

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