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先天白内障に対し,硝子体切除吸引装置を用い,pars plana lentectomyとanterior vitrectomyを併用した術式を行い,その手術成績を従来の手術方法と比較検討したところ,術後1年から3年半の経過観察期間では,術後合併症,手術の回数の面で明らかに従来の方法より良好な成績が得られた.よって,先天白内障に対し本術式は,現時点では最も有効な術式の一つであると考えられる.
Our surgical management of congenital cataracts is presented, with emphasis on the advantages of pars plana lentectomy with anterior vitrectomy using vitrectomy instruments.
During the past three years we operated on 15 eyes of 10 patients with congenital cataract by pars plana lentectomy with anterior vitrectomy. In all 15 eyes a clear pupillary space was achieved after a single operation. No serious complications, such as retinal detachment or secondary glaucoma, were observed throughout the post-operative follow-up period of 5-36 months.
Pars plana lentectomy with anterior vitrectomy for congenital cataract offers significant advantages over conventional techniques such as discission-aspiration or extracapsular lens extraction.

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