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44歳の男子の左眼の硝子体出血に対し,VISCXを用いてVitrectomyを行つたところ,術後8日目にmassive periretinal prolifcration (MPP)により網膜剥離を来たした。この症例に対し術後14日目にVISC Xを用いてmembrane pceling,赤道部締結術,SF6によるgas tamponadeを行い,網膜を復位させた。その後再びMPPが再発したが,Ocutomeを使用してmembrane peelingを行い網膜を完全に復位させ,その後6ヵ月間再発なく,矯正視力1.0である。
A case of massive periretinal proliferation (MPP) following a successful pars plana vitrec-tomy for vitreous haemorrhage was reported.
A 44-year-old man developed an intraocular haemorrhage in the left eye due to head concus-sion.
He was admitted to our hospital 3 months later. The vision in his left eye was reduced to hand movement and the fundus was obscuredby dense vitreous opacities.
A consecutive pars plana vitrectomy was successfully performed with VISC X. One week after the operation, MPP occurred and a wide fan-shaped retinal detachment developed below the disc in the inferior quadrants.

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