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64歳男性の原発性角膜脂肪変性症と考えられる症例に対し表層角膜移植術を行った。光学顕徴鏡および電子顕徴鏡による組織検査により,脂質が当初細胞内にありその崩壊により細胞外に出現する所見を得た。cholesterol cleftも多数認められた。これらの所見は従来の角膜脂肪変性症の報告例と一致した。また,角膜内の脂質沈着の機序につき考察を加えた。
Primary lipoidal degeneration of the cornea was seen in a 64-year-old male. He developed bilate-ral corneal opacity during the course of six years. Deep lamellar keratoplasty was performed on the right eye and the excised corneal stroma was ex-amined by light and electron microscopy. Lipid vacuoles and cholesterol clefts were present within histiocytes and also in the extracellular space in the middle and deep layers of the corneal stroma. It was thought that lipid vacuoles were formed initially in the cytoplasm of the histiocytes which were then destroyed leaving deposits of lipid in the corneal stroma.

Copyright © 1982, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.