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直接光凝固療法のなかでも,painting techniqueは手技も比較的容易で, spot size 50μ,power 450 mW以下を守り,網膜より硝子体腔内へ少なくとも0.5D以上離れた新生血管を選んで,十分密に頻回に凝固を施行すれば,合併症を最少限にとどめえて,しかも有効な方法になると思われる。また,血管網周囲が厚いfibrosisで囲まれていたり,血管の一部が網膜に接近していたり,血管分布により根部が観察しにいく例では,数回反復して光凝固を施行することが重要と考える。
Seven cases with epipapillary or peripapillary neovascularization were treated by argon laser photocoagulation using painting technique of L'-Esperance. The disc neovascularization was associ-ated with retinal vein occlusion in five cases and with proliferative diabetic retinopathy in one. The cause of it was unknown in one.
All the disc neovascularizations were treated directly. When eradication of neovascularization was not accomplished, additional treatment was performed. Regression of the neovascularization resulted in all cases within two months and two years.

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