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脳回転状網脈絡膜萎縮のうち既報の3例にさらに1例を加えて臨床的,生化学的に検討した。特異な眼底変化とともに近視・白内障等の合併症,また毛様体所見も加齢とともに進行していた。全例で高オルニチン血症が認められ,同時にornithine ketoacidtransaminaseの欠損ないしは低下が認められた。オルニチン負荷試験とビタミンB6投与の結果から,プロリン投与療法ないしはビタミンB6投与療法が本症に有効である可能性が示唆された。
Four cases of gyrate atrophy were investigated clinically and biochemically. Three cases showed chorioretinal atrophy, characterized by spotty cho-roidal atrophy which had tendency to confluent, and which showed hypofluorescent patches bound-ed by a hyperfluorescent line. A 5-year-old boy who initially lacked typical fundus changes but showed hyperornithinemia developed small atrophic patches in the equator 2 years later. Electrophysio-logical responses including ERG and EOG were extinct or subnormal in all cases.

Copyright © 1981, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.