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(1)サルで眼底後極部の4乳頭径の範囲の光凝固3週後には,off応答急峻部とDiamox responseは著明に減弱した。
(2) Fundus flavimaculatusの症例ではERG off応答急峻部,EOGのhyperosmo—larity response, Diamox responseのいずれも異常であり,錐体と網膜色素上皮の障害が示唆された。
(3)限局性の脈絡膜障害(黄斑部2.5乳頭径),老人性Ill盤状黄斑部変性症例ではoff応答急峻部,L/D比,hyperosmolarity responsc, Diamox rcsponseは正常範囲にあった。
(4) ERGのoff応答急峻部, EOGのL/D比,hyperosmolarity response, Diamoxresponseを併せ検討することは,主病変が網膜色素上皮層または視細胞層(錐体)のいずれにあるかの推定の一助となり,黄斑部変性症などの病態把握に有用である。
Fundus flavimaculatus, macular coloboma (one case of each) and senile disciform macular degene-ration (two cases) were examined by our new testsfor the cone receptor cell and retinal pigment epi-thelium (RPE). The cone activity was evaluated by the electroretinographic rapid off-response which is mainly composed of the decay of the cone late receptor potential. The RPE activity was assessed by the susceptibility of the standing potential to hyperosmolarity and to Diamox (hyperosmolarity response, Diamox response).

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