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典型的なSex-linked juvenile retinoschisisの所見を有する2家系について検索を行ない,眼底所見,螢光眼底所見,およびERG所見などについて既報の所見と比較検討し,その発生機転につき若干の考察を加えた。その結果,本症の発生機転および増悪因子として,先天的な血管異常が無視できないと考えられた。
We examined a family of sex-linked juvenile retinoschisis with obvious vascular abnormalities showing sheathed, obliterated and white vessels. The vascular abnormalities were also present in presumed female carriers. Dendritic degeneration was present at the margin of retinoschisis. Fluore-scein angiography showed the dendritic degenera-tion to be due to obliterated and dilated capillaries located in both the inner and outer leaves of the schisis. In a case with hemorrhage in the schisis and vitreous cavities, dye leakage was noted at the area of the dendritic degeneration.

Copyright © 1981, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.