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緒 言
眼窩底骨折1,2),いわゆるblow out fracturcの概念が眼科領域において広く普及し,診断方法も著しく進歩するにしたがつて本症に関する発表は,最近,特に数多くみうけられるようになつた。
また一方では,交通事故による外傷は近年増加の一途をたどり,blow out fractureの症例もますます増加する傾向にあるものと考えられる。
We evaluated the clinical course of 15 cases of blow out fracture of the orbital floor during the two foregoing years. Ten cases were surgically and five were conservatively treated. All the operated 10 cases responded favorably to sur-gery : clinical cure was attained in 8 cases and an improvement set in the other 2 cases. Even in two inveterate cases, one attained clinical cure and one showed an improvement following sur-gery. Out of 5 cases who were conservatively treated, two attained spontaneous cure, two showed an improvement and one remained un-changed during the followup period.

Copyright © 1979, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.