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adenoid cystic carcinomaは悪性であるにもかかわらず,一般の悪性腫瘍の如く5年生存率でその予後を決めることは困難で,一見良性腫瘍のようにみえるが,長い経過を追つてみると再発あるいは転移により死亡に到るという特異の性質を持つ悪性腫瘍である。今回われわれは特に外耳道という部位別にみるときわめてその発生が珍しいadenoid cystic carcinomaを経験したので,ここに報告し若干の考察を加えてみたい。
A case of adenoid cystic carcinoma of a 64-year-old man complained of intermittent pain and itch in his left external auditory canal for a long time is reported. A small tumor was found on the anterior wall of the left external canal, which was histologically diagnosed as adenoid cystic carcinoma. The lesion was completely removed with preservation of the middle ear. Characteristic features of this malignant tumor is the high incidence of metastasis and local recurrences after a long time interval, therefore clinical follow-up should be carried out carefully and for a long period of time.

Copyright © 1979, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.