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緒 言
Leptomeningitisは細菌,真菌,原虫,Virusなどによる感染性髄膜炎と,Sarcoidosis, Behçet症候群,癌性髄膜炎等の非感染性髄膜炎とに大別されるが,非細菌性でしかも,髄液に炎症性反応が見られるものを総称して漿液性髄膜炎(SeröseMeningitis)または無菌性髄膜炎(AseptischeMeningitis)というが,Vogt−小柳−原田症候群およびBehçet病はSeröse Meningitisを伴うとされているが,著者らはVogt−小柳−原田症候群およびBehçet病を除いた網脈絡膜炎を伴う眼疾患で,Seröse Meningitisを伴う症例を5例報告したい。
We experienced 5 cases of retino-uveitis associ-ated with serous meningitis (more strictly defined as serous meningo-encephalitis) . The ocular disorders were sclero-uveitis in the first case, APMPPE in the second case and retino-uveitis involving the fundus area above and under the optic disc in the third case. In the fourth case central retino-uveitis supervened during the course of serous meningitis, while in the fifth case there was a relatively chronic, mild uveitis of the anterior segment type with subsequent vitreous opacity. This latter case showed clinical evidence of mild meningitis.

Copyright © 1979, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.