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緒 言
この様な酸素未使用の成熟児に,未熟児網膜症活動期および瘢痕期類似の所見を示した症例の報告2〜4)があり,Karlsberg ら2)は"congenital re-trolental fibroplasia"と報告している。しかし,これらが本来の未熟児網膜症と全く同じ発生機序,病態かについては明らかでない。今回,肉眼的に未熟児網膜症瘢痕期3度類似の所見を呈する眼球の剖見を行つたので,その病理組織所見の発表を行うと共に,従来の報告例についても検討を行つた。
Histopathological study of a case with retro-lental fibroplasia cicatricial phase grade III was performed. A male new born baby with hydro-cephalus died at birth. The birth weight was 3,210g and the gestation period was 38 weeks. Both eyes showed similar gross findings, retinal folds extending from the disc to the temporal ora serrata, avascular area at the entire peri-pheral fundus and persistent remnants of the hyaloid arteriole. Microscopic examination of the conventional histologic sections revealed a mass of endothelial cells along the demarcation line.

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