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緒 言
このような病型の報告は,Philips and Dobbie(1953)の報告1)以来,parapapillary hole2),smallposterior hole3),conus hole4), juxtavcnous pit-ting7),juxtapapillary microhole8),paravascular re-tinal hole9)とよばれて報告があり,その病因について,網膜硝子体癒着の存在と,高度近視による網膜の菲薄なことが報告されている。しかし治療法は報告者により様々で,手術的療法を行つても成功率が低いとの報告が多い。
Three cases of retinal detachment with para-vascular microhole in the posterior fundus are re-ported. All of them had the following characte-ristics : high myopia, large staphyloma posticum sclerae with myopic choroidal atrophy in the posterior pole, posterior vitreous detachment, paravascular microhole along a large retinal ves-sel located within 2 disc diameter to the disc margin and existence of vitreous strands attached to the margin of retinal hole.

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