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緒 言
低眼圧眼の臨床的所見について最初にかなりまとまつた報告をしているのはDellaporta1〜3),Pau4)であるが,その後永い間この問題は多くの研究者の関心を集めなかつた様である。近年に至りGass5)が螢光眼底撮影法を駆使し新しい解析を行い再び注目を集めだしたといえる。本邦においては横山6)がGassの説を紹介しその概要を述べているが,本邦ではHypotony maculopathyという言葉はまだ比較的馴染が薄い。
Observed 8 cases of hypotony maculopathy, in which hypotony was induced by glaucoma sur-gery (5 eyes), cyclodialysis (1), detachment of the ciliary epithelium (1) and penetrating corn-eal injury (1). The ocular hypotony was associat-ed with various clinical signs such as hypotony keratopathy, shallow anterior chamber, forward displacement of the lens, cataract formation, vitreous opacity, hypotony maculopathy and papilledema.
In hypotony maculopathy, the pattern of hypo-and hyperfluorescence in fluorescein angiograms did not always correspond to retinal folds as were observed ophthalmoscopically.

Copyright © 1978, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.