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緒 言
われわれは最近,同側性の網膜血管異常,脳動静脈瘤,顔面母斑などの症状を有する,いわゆる,Wyburn-Mason Syndromeの1例を経験した。
A 10-year-old boy noted gradual visual loss in the left eye and sought medical advice. His vi-sion was 1.2 in the right eye and 0.4 in the left. Numerous dots of yellowish-white exudates and edema were seen in the macular area in the left eye. Also, retinal vessels showed marked dilata-tion and tortuosity with arteriovenous loop for-mations. Fluorescein angiography confirmed arte-rio-venos anastomoses and showed generalized dye leakage.The right eye was unaffected. Patches of simple angioma were present on the left fore-head. Other physical, neurological and labora-tory findings were within normal ranges.
Copyright © 1978, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.