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緒 言
数年来われわれはわが国での人工水晶体の製品開発を試み,動物実験により臨床応用の可能性を確かめ1),これに基づいて作製したGifu lens Ⅰを用いた症例の臨床成績は満足すべきものであつた2)。
その後この人工水晶体に改良を加えIridocap-sular lensではあるが,白内障の嚢外摘出術のみでなく,嚢内摘出術にも組み合せて利用できるGifu lens Ⅱを開発したのでここにその臨床成績を報告する。
We performaed implantation of artificial lens (Gifu lens Ⅱ) immediately after 14 extracapsular and 21 intracapsular extractions of senile cata-racts. The cases were followed up for 6 to 18 months during the postoperative period.
The Gifu lens Ⅱ is an iridocapsular too-loop lens designed by us (Fig. 1 in the text). The op-tical portation is shaped plano-convex, is 5.5mm in diameter and 0.5mm in thickness, and is made of polymethylmetacrylate. The loops are made of platinum-iridium wire of 0.15mm in di-ameter. The total width of the lens with the lo-ops is 8.0mm. The loops are tilted posteriorly at 5 degrees.
Copyright © 1978, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.