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緒 言
1眼の上転障害としては,中枢神経性のdoubleelevator palsy,末梢神経性の動眼神経麻痺,筋性の内分泌性眼筋ミオパチー,機械的運動障害のblowout fractureをはじめ,多くのものが知られている。上転障害が下転筋の異常に起因するものとして,上述の内分泌性眼筋ミオパチー,blo-wout fractureのほか,動眼神経麻痺後の異常連合運動や垂直眼球後退症vertical retraction syn-dromeおよび上斜筋腱鞘症候群がある。
This paper describes eight cases of congenital monocular elevation palsy and hypotropia in the primary position which were characterized by positive duction test and inferior rectus abnor-malities. Electromyography of inferior rectus showed paradoxical innervation. Histopatholo-gically, there were no evidences of fibrosis of inferior rectus. The authors considered that the signs occurring in these cases, i.e., contracture, misinsertion and misdirected innervation of in-ferior rectus producing a marked hypotropia, would form a new disease entity.

Copyright © 1978, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.