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緒 言
ブドウ膜に原発する悪性腫瘍は,脈絡膜のものが多く,虹彩,毛様体に原発するものは非常に稀である。今回我々は,1年3カ月にわたつて光凝固などの保存療法を行なつたが効果がなく,臨床的に悪性の経過を辿つた毛様体腫瘍を経験し,病理組織学的にmalignant epitheliomaと診断された1症例を報告する。
A rare case of malignant epithelioma of the ciliary body is reported. The patient first presented herself at the age of 41 years with the swelling of the ciliary body, which was then treated with photo-coagulation and cryo-pexy. The tumor continued to progress accom-pani ed by marked pigmentation during one year after treatment. Enucleation was perfomed and the pathohistological examination revealed it to be malignant epithelioma of the ciliary body, comprised by cylindrical cell nests and scattered tubular pattern. The tumor did not have any capsule and infiltrated the adjoining sclera.
Copyright © 1977, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.