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緒 言
Brown1)が,両眼底における乳頭周囲の萎縮ならびに網膜血管,とくに静脈周囲に萎縮と色素沈着を呈する特異な眼底疾患をretinochoroidi-tis radiata1,16)として報告して以来,同様の疾患が,congenital pigmentation of the retina2,3),melanosis of the retina4),paravenous retinaldegeneration5)など,いろいうな名称で報告されている。しかし,Franceschetti6)による詳細な報告以後は,彼の命名によるpigmented para-venous retinochoroidal atrophyの名称が広く用いられている7〜10)。
Two cases of pigmented paravenous retino-choroidal atrophy, involving 26 year-old woman and 31 year-old woman ,were examined clinica-lly. Retino-choroidal atrophic foci were widely distributed along the veins in the former, whereas less distributed in the latter case. Funduscopy and fluorescein angiography revea-led no inflammatory signs or vessel anomaliesin the fundus. In the first case, the ERG-thre-shold was moderately reduced. Visual field and dark adaptometry were mildly impaired.In the second case, the ERG and psychophysi-cal tests were within normal limits.

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