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眼球が内転運動を行うときに,眼窩内へ後退し,同時に瞼裂の狭小が起るという先天的障害がある。眼球後退症候群Retraction syndrome(Duane)と称せられ,我国では田野辺氏の調査によると,1955年までに50例の報告があり,特に稀な疾患ではないが,私らは本年のうちに定型的なもの2例及び非定型的と考えられる1例を経験し,そのうち2例に手術を行つて経過を観察したので報告する。
The authors described three cases of Retraction syndrome of Duane, all females and two on the left eye affected. One patient affected on the right eye was assumed as an aty-pical case which showed divergent strabismus, limited adduction and almost adequate abdu-ction. In all cases retraction and upshoot of the globe and narrowing of the palpebral fis-sure in the affected eye on attempting adduction were observed.
In two of the patients surgical treatment had been performed, one with Hummelsheim's operation and one with recession and resection of the rectus muscles.

Copyright © 1959, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.