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外界にこれ程多い菌による発症が,何故稀なのであろうか。私は此の疑問から始つて枯草菌に対し興味を持ち,外国文献を捜している中に枯草菌に良く似た菌,即ちBacillus cereus (以下B.cereusと略す)の存在を知つた。
The author investigated the pathogenicity of Bacillus subtilis in comparison with that of Bacillus cereus, and further performed examination on the pathological aspects.
1. It can be said that Bacillus cereus has much pathogenicity than Bacillus subtilis in the ophthalmic region.
2. In order to bring out a severe panophthalmitis which is caused by the aerobic sporing bacilli, the bacilli more than a definit quantity are necessitated, and especially Bacillus cereus participates in it.
3. In the histological examination inflammation caused by Bacillus cercus appared wider and more severe than the one with Bacillus subtilis.

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