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毛虫の毛が眼組織に刺さると,それを中心にして結節を生ずることは,よく知られて居り,偽結核性症Pseudotuberculose Entzundung(Wagen-mann)或は結節性眼炎Ophthalmia nodosa炎(Saemisch)等と呼ばれている。ところが私が見た症例では結節を見ず,又患者自身は毛虫との関連に全く気付いていなかつたので,初めは毛虫の毛に思い及ばなかつたものである。
Twenty-six cases with eye injury caused by a stinghair of caterpillar were found in 2 years (1955~1957) in consulted cases who complained eye-ache.
The hair sticked into the conjunctiva palpebrae and gave to tho cornea numerous linear wounds by scratching.
The shape of the hair coincided with that of the stinghair of Dendrolimus spectabilis Butler (Laru).
They were black needles of 0.7~3mm in length with sharp points and reverse hooks.
The patients themselves didn't know the causes of their injury at all.
Unexpectedly, in the majority of cases the point of the hair appeared out of the cojunc-tival surface.

Copyright © 1958, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.